Lyrics - The Dolphin and the Gull

Background: light | dark
Lyrics: “The Dolphin and the Gull”
Original language: english
Original title: A drop
– Translations to other languages are literal –

A drop

Am I a drop?
Am I a lake?
Am I the sea?

Wise wind, embrace me, speak to me,
For eyes can fool, those who can see...

{ ...The wind comes blowing softly... }

You are a drop,
And so you’ll stay,
Until the day,
the drop will say...


Too tight my home, My dream too small,
I cannot spend, life here no more,
I need to go, I need to know,
I need to grow, beyond this wall.

~end of refrain~

Am I a seed?
Am I a flower?
Am I the tree?

{ ...The wind comes again, blowing stronger... }

Blow through my heart, and speak to me,
For eyes can fool, those who can see...

You are a seed,
And so you’ll stay,
Until the day,
the seed will say...

Too tight my home, My dream too small,
I cannot spend, life here no more,
I need to go, I need to know,
I need to grow, beyond this wall.

...I need to go, I need to know,
I need to grow, Beyond this wall...

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