Lyrics - The Dolphin and the Gull

Background: light | dark
Lyrics: “The Dolphin and the Gull”
Original language: english
Original title: Man, little man
– Translations to other languages are literal –

Man, little man

I am the creature who dared stand
on its two legs ploughing the land.
I won the beasts, I tamed the fire,
The world has bowed to my desire...

— Man, little man,
you sound so brave,
And yet, you’re nothing but a slave.
Man, little man, you sound so strong,
And yet, you’ve been weak all along.

You may have travelled a long way,
But is your soul cleaner today?

— Animals live, give birth and die,
They do not speak, they do not cry.
They disappear without a trace,
They are the masks, I am the face!

— Man, little man,
you sound so wise,
And yet, you’re only telling lies.
Man, little man, remove your face,
For it is in our hearts our grace.

You may have travelled a long way,
But is your soul cleaner today?


Man, little man, I am the soul,
Which dreamt the sky and met the fall.
Forget your trickeries and lies,
So we can rise, to our true size.

You may have travelled a long way,
But is your soul cleaner today?

{ Poetic rendition of the ending of the poem in greek:

Man unspeakably small,
Man, fake god,

Life isn’t but a flash of light,
Into the darkness of the night,

And in the mirror for a moment only,
Your figure will be standing lonely.

Before the wind blows out the candle,
Face there the truth you couldn’t handle,

In vain things gold, in vain talks told,
In vain, the treasures of the world.

...I may have travelled a long way,
But is my soul clean today?

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