Lyrics - The Dolphin and the Gull

Background: light | dark
Lyrics: “The Dolphin and the Gull”
Original language: english
Original title: I’ll wait for you
– Translations to other languages are literal –

I’ll wait for you

There, in a wrinkle on earth’s face,
I thought there was for us a place,
Where you and I would share a dream,
no matter how hard it may seem.

A tiny place, in time and space,
That it could shelter human race.
So high the hopes, So tight the ropes.
You’ll never come, but even so,
I’ll wait for you, and there I go.

There, on an island at sea’s heart,
I thought anew we’d make a start,
Beyond the land of pain and tears,
leaving behind the wasted years.

A tiny place, in time and space,
That it could harbor human race.
So high the hopes, So tight the ropes.
You’ll never come, but even so,
I’ll wait for you, and there I go.

You’ll never come, my friend,
my love,
my hope,

but even so,

I’ll wait for you,  and there I go.

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