Lyrics - The Dolphin and the Gull

Background: light | dark
Lyrics: “The Dolphin and the Gull”
Original language: english
Original title: Undress yourself
– Translations to other languages are literal –

Undress yourself

[ ...The song begins and ends with a smooth blow of the wind... ]

There is a pair of scales, made of gold,
that isn’t part of this small world.

Whoever brave enough would be,
to stand on one end, he would see...

His real self, his actual weight,
and choose to change or not his fate...


Undress yourself
From all your clothes,
From all your money,
— The scale knows...

Remove your jewels,
Remove your skin,
It only weighs
What lies within...

Undress yourself
And come to me...
Don’t fear the truth...
Fear, not to see.

Undress yourself
And come to me...

~end of refrain~

There is a pair of scales, made of gold,
that isn’t part of this small world.

On one end the weight is set,
the size a human ought to get.

~refrain is repeated {Undress yourself, from all your clothes... ...And come to me.}~

Who’s going up, who’s going down?
Who weighs less, who weighs more?
There is no justice in this world
But in my world there’s evermore...

Undress yourself
And come to me...
Don’t fear the truth...
Fear, not to see.

Before it’s late...

Undress yourself
And come to me.

show demo